Enterprise 2.0 in the Legal Profession: Opening Up Data For the Client

Wie schon in den beiden vorausgehenden Vlogs dieser Dreierserie berichtet, sind sich auch Kanzleien und Rechtsberater des Potentials von Enterprise 2.0 bewusst: „Law firms and inhouse legal counsel are turning to social media“.

Hier im letzten Teil des mit Christoph Schmaltz (Mitarbeiter von Headshift, London) geführten Interviews erfahre ich, wie „Open Data“ von der Kanzlei Mallesons in der Kundenbeziehung umgesetzt wird.

  • On the one hand, lawyers have been very secretive about their services, e.g. how much they bill, and how much time is spend on the services. On the other hand they are opening up trying to establish more trust between the law firm, the partners, and their clients.
  • Most people think Enterprise 2.0 is all about technology. Actually there is much more behind it, and that is about trust, openness, and transparency.
  • The novelty is that Mallesons is opening up data to their key clients. They have that data anyway, e.g. how much time has been spend on specific matters. If a law firm is comfortable that they provide good services, they can  show that to the client right away.
  • This openness and transparency is valued by clients. That for Mallesons is a strategic advantage.

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