Legal Profession 2.0 – BACKonTheFuture – Business 2.0 Blog Center for Innovations in Business Processes Sat, 04 Sep 2010 11:56:09 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 Enterprise 2.0 in the Legal Profession: Opening Up Data For the Client Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:06:32 +0000 Wie schon in den beiden vorausgehenden Vlogs dieser Dreierserie berichtet, sind sich auch Kanzleien und Rechtsberater des Potentials von Enterprise 2.0 bewusst: „Law firms and inhouse legal counsel are turning to social media“.

Hier im letzten Teil des mit Christoph Schmaltz (Mitarbeiter von Headshift, London) geführten Interviews erfahre ich, wie „Open Data“ von der Kanzlei Mallesons in der Kundenbeziehung umgesetzt wird.


  • On the one hand, lawyers have been very secretive about their services, e.g. how much they bill, and how much time is spend on the services. On the other hand they are opening up trying to establish more trust between the law firm, the partners, and their clients.
  • Most people think Enterprise 2.0 is all about technology. Actually there is much more behind it, and that is about trust, openness, and transparency.
  • The novelty is that Mallesons is opening up data to their key clients. They have that data anyway, e.g. how much time has been spend on specific matters. If a law firm is comfortable that they provide good services, they can  show that to the client right away.
  • This openness and transparency is valued by clients. That for Mallesons is a strategic advantage.

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Enterprise 2.0 in the Legal Profession: RSS and WIKI Information Gathering Fri, 23 Apr 2010 09:57:28 +0000 Wie schon im ersten Vlog dieser Dreierserie berichtet, sind sich auch Kanzleien und Rechtsberater des Potentials von Enterprise 2.0 bewusst: „Law firms and inhouse legal counsel are turning to social media“.

Hier im zweiten Teil des mit Christoph Schmaltz (Mitarbeiter von Headshift, London) geführten Interviews beantwortet er meine Frage: „What is inefficient in the traditional ways of working?“ mit einem Fallbeispiel, wie sich das aufwendige Erstellen von Newslettern durch eine Arbeitsorganisation mit RSS und Wiki kundenorientierter, zeitnaher und dazu noch kostengünstiger gestaltet.


  • Information gathering of current decisions and infos in the legal space is kind of like a food chain: There are Knowledge Management lawyers or Professional Support lawyers who gather all that information.
  • So far they have subscribed to a lot of legal services; they put the info into a word document e.g., and sent it around. 500 people did exactly the same, but they did not know about it. It was a very inefficient way of gathering information.
  • Worse that that, this information was then taken, analyzed by people, and put into newsletters (about 120 „flying around“; people did not know what kinds of newsletters existed, and which were relevant to them). They spend a lot of money creating these newsletters. Clients did not really care about them because they were very generic. What they wanted to have was customized information.
  • To get to that granularity, managing information needs to be organized in a much better way: The information gathering should be done using RSS aggregation. … The RSS subscribed info is put into a wiki where people can collaboratively work on a piece, rather than copy&paste it into a word document and send it around, which leads to many different versions. The value adding activities now take place in the wiki, a very transparent way of working. And then that info can be fed to the partners; they add their own analysis and provide information tailored to their clients.
  • Normally you would have to ask your IT-department to set up a «system» for you, and it takes weeks even months. And now with a mouse-click they can open up their own system or space. E.g. Freshfields, when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, over night they could create their own system; based on that information they were able to take better decisions in a much more timely manner than was possible before.

Weiterführende Links:
Hier geht es zur Kurzinfo über die Inhalte, inkl. Fallstudien, in diesem Bericht, der über die Ark Group bezogen werden kann.
Im März startete übrigens die Kooperation mit Headshift, die ausgewählte Fallstudien für die Enterprise 2.0 Fallstudienplattform zur Verfügung stellen.

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Enterprise 2.0 in the Legal Profession: Opening Up to Customers Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:32:42 +0000 Man hält es zunächst nicht für naheliegend, aber in einem Bericht „Social Networking for the Legal Profession„, der von Headshift in Zusammenarbeit mit der Ark Group erstellt wurde, erfährt man: „Law firms and inhouse legal counsel are turning to social media“.

Ich hatte Gelegenheit, mit Christoph Schmaltz, Mitarbeiter von Headshift, in London ein Interview darüber zu führen. Dies wird hier im Blog in drei Teilen veröffentlicht. Der erste handelt von: „Opening up to customers who are calling“ (a case study from the Australian Law firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques); es geht nicht i.e.S. um eine Enterprise 2.0 Anwendung, aber um die 2.0 Kultur, d.h. um grosse Offenheit  im Umgang mit Daten zum Nutzen der Kunden.


  • Did the new application require a cultural shift? „Only 3% of the partners chose to drop out of the system“.
  • A survey showed that they provide excellent legal service, but on the customer satisfaction side they scored quite low, so they probed further.
  • When someone calls a law firm most of the time it is quite urgent; otherwise they would send an E-Mail. Customers were not satisfied weith the process when someone called the office and wanted to speak to a lawyer.
  • Mallesons found they had all the data available, but in very separate places. They put kind of a dashboard in place; when a client calls now, the person already sees many infos, e.g. what is the matter, who is the most likely person the client wants to talk to, and is this person available or in a meeting, and who else could deal with the call.

Weiterführende Links:
Hier geht es zur Kurzinfo über die Inhalte, inkl. Fallstudien, in diesem Bericht, der über die Ark Group bezogen werden kann.
Im März startete übrigens die Kooperation mit Headshift, die ausgewählte Fallstudien für die Enterprise 2.0 Fallstudienplattform zur Verfügung stellen.

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